Glass Shatters by Disturbed hits the airwaves and Stunning Stan with his tag team title belt around his waist and Bryan Deas with his tag title belt over his shoulder, walk out of the curtain as the fans go wild.
Gary Logan: And here comes the Tag Team Champions.
Nick Hargreaves: Here come tonights double losers!
Harold Fellows: The following contest is a non-title match-up. Introducing first, the Xtreme Championship Wrestling tag team champions, at a combined weight of 509 pounds, Bryan Deas and Stunning Stan.
The two men walk down the ramp tagging fans hands along the way and showing off the gold. They get in the ring and hand the titles over to the referee who gives them to the timekeeper for safe keeping. They stand in the ring and await their opponents.
Back in Black by AC/DC plays as Y2Jay and Wolverine, both sporting their own xCw championship belts, walk out as the fans give them a not to pleasant greeting. They shrug it off and walk down the ramp taunting the two men in the ring.
Nick Hargreaves: And here comes the winners of the upcoming match, and you know it.
Gary Logan: O please, Jay and Wolverine are both great athletes, but Stan and Deas are the tag team champions, they have a history together, they work great as a team and they will come out of this match with a win on their backs.
Nick Hargreaves: I wont believe until I see it.
Harold Fellows: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 490 pounds, Y2Jay and Wolverine.
Jay and Wolverine take their time getting to the ring and Stan and Deas look at each other and decide they wont wait any longer and step through the ropes and go for them. Stan goes after Jay and Deas goes straight for Wolverine.
Nick Hargreaves: Hey thats cheating, you have to wait until they get in the ring.
Gary Logan: Well if they would just hurry up and get in the ring then Deas and Stan wouldnt have to go out and get them on the outside now would they.
Nick Hargreaves: Cheaters!
The ref follows to try and get them back in the ring. Stan hits Jay with a right hand, and another, and a third before kicking him in the mid-section and banging his head down onto the security rail. Deas hits a few rights and then takes Wolverine down to ringside and throws him into the steel steps. Wolverine goes down and Deas lifts him up as the ref tells him to get it in the ring. Deas throws Wolverine in the ring and then goes in after him.
Gary Logan: And now this match is officially under way.
Meanwhile, Stan has taken Jay further up the ramp and they are fighting on the stage. Stan is in control and punches him down and Jay falls and rolls down the ramp to the bottom. He gets up and climbs in the ring. Deas whips Wolverine into the ropes but its reversed and Wolverine lies on the floor and Jay jumps over him and is met with a clothesline from Jay. Jay tells him hes got it and Wolverine goes to his corner. Stan then arrives in his corner and shouts something to Jay who responds by kicking Deas in the stomach and whipping him into an open corner. He gives him a hard chop to the chest and the crowd woo as he does it. He gives another, and another, and then Deas grabs him and throws Jay in the corner and gives him a couple of right hands before whipping him into the corner and following up with a Clothesline. He gives him a few kicks to the mid-section and pulls him out and whips him in the ropes. Deas drops his head down early and Jay comes off and grabs him by the head and throws him backwards onto his back. He makes his way to his corner and tags in Wolverine. Wolverine goes over to Deas and lifts his arm and kicks him in the ribs. Deas moves over to the ropes on his knees and Wolverine picks him up and pushes him against the ropes and whips him to the other side. He comes off and Wolverine hits a spear and goes for the cover.
Gary Logan: First cover of the match.1, 2, No! Deas kicked out at two.
Nick Hargreaves: Talk about a slow count.
Gary Logan: There was not a thing wrong with that count and you know it.
Nick Hargreaves: I also know that theres nothing wrong with that chicken sandwich but youre not going to eat it because your fat ass is on a diet.
Gary Logan: O please, youre killing me.
Wolverine picks him up and puts him in position for a vertical suplex. Deas blocks it by wrapping his leg around Wolverines and then hits a vertical snap suplex on Wolverine. He gets up and stomps on him a few times before dropping the elbow. He gets up and hits a second elbow drop. He then goes for the pin.
Gary Logan: 1, 2, No! Wolverine kicked out after two.
Nick Hargreaves: Easy kick out, easy.
Wolverine sits up breathing heavily. Deas gets up and helps Wolverine to his feet before kicking him in the mid-section and then taking him over to his teams corner. He bangs his head against the turnbuckle three times and then places him looking towards the turnbuckle and tags in Stan. Stan gets in the ring and gives him a few right hands into the kidney area and then turns him round. He kicks him in the gut a few times and then takes him to the ropes and whips him onto the other side. He comes back off the ropes and Stan hits a drop toe hold. He then slides over to the top of Wolverine and puts him in a front face lock.
Gary Logan: Stan seems to be trying to keep Wolverine grounded, slow down the pace of the match and apply pressure to the face there. A nice hold.
Nick Hargreaves: That isnt a nice hold, thats a cheat hold. Why isnt the ref stopping him?
Gary Logan: Because theres nothing wrong with the hold, thats why.
Jay goes to get in the ring and Deas quickly tries to get in and tell the ref. The ref goes over to keep Deas out of the ring and Jay gets in and rakes the eyes of Stan, kicks him in the gut and gives him a DDT. Jay gets out of the ring and Wolverine moves over Stan to make the cover.
Gary Logan: 1, 2, No! Just a two count.
Nick Hargreaves: This match has been all Jay and Wolverine.
Gary Logan: I think its been a quite even match so far.
Wolverine complains to the ref that it was three but the ref tells him the score and Wolverine just leaves it at that. He tags in Jay who quickly gets in the ring and stomps on Stan. He stomps him about 6 times and then gives him three elbow drops, a leg drop and then goes for the cover.
Gary Logan: 1, 2, No! Stan kicks out.
Jay mutters something but doesnt make a fuss and continues the match. He picks him up and gives him a scoop slam. He lifts him up again and takes him into the corner. A few kicks into the gut and then he lifts Stan up so that he is sitting on the top rope. Jay slaps him and talks a bit of trash and then slaps him again. He laughs at him and tells him hes pathetic before looking towards Deas and telling him this is it. He looks back at Stan and Stan grabs him by the head and scores with a Tornado DDT. Both men are down. The referee starts the count.
Gary Logan: A high impact move there by Stan that puts both men down.
Nick Hargreaves: High impact? That was a desperation move!
Gary Logan: Maybe so, but it worked.
7 They start to make their ways to their feet.
8 They both make it to their feet. Jay goes for a right hand but
Stan blocks it and hits Jay with a right of his own. Jay goes for another
right but once again it is blocked and Stan hits his own right. It happens
a third time and then Stan hits another and another until Jay is rocked
against the ropes and is bouncing off the ropes. Stan whips him to the other
side and as Jay reaches the other side he hangs on to the ropes and points
to his head to indicate that he is smart. He turns around and Stan runs
at him and clotheslines him over the top. Jay falls to the floor and Stan
goes out after him.
Gary Logan: And both men go over the top to the outside.
Nick Hargreaves: I dont like the looks of this Gary.
Wolverine jumps down and makes his way round to help his partner but Deas jumps down and stops Wolverine from getting involved. Deas and Wolverine start to slug it out and Deas gets the better of him and drops him down onto the security rail. He goes for him again but Wolverine gets a thumb to the eye. Deas moves back and Wolverine grabs him and throws him into the ring post and Deas goes down. Meanwhile Stan is beating on Jay and bounces his head off the announce table. He puts him on top and gets up with him. Stan sets him up for a pile driver through the announce table but Deas comes over and low blows Stan as the referee warns them that theyll be disqualified if they dont get back in the ring. As Stan grabs himself, Deas protests to the ref and keeps him occupied so that he cant see whats going on and Jay gets Stan in a headlock position and then off the top of the announce table, to the floor he gives Stan the Acoustic Equalizer. Jay rolls Stan in the ring and goes for the cover.
Gary Logan: O my God! The Acoustic Equalizer off the top of our announce table to the floor. Jay goes for the cover! 1, 2, No!
Deas pulls Jay outside by his leg from under
the bottom rope. Deas hits Jay with a few rights and knocks him down and
the two start brawling on the outside. Back in the ring Wolverine seas that
Jay should be able to handle himself with him being the xCw World Champion
and he goes into the ring and takes advantage of the fallen Stunning Stan.
He lifts him up and whips him into the corner. He lifts him up on to the
top turnbuckle and climbs up with him. He puts him in position for a super-plex.
Stan blocks it and pushes Wolverine off and he falls on the mat on his back.
Stan stands up on the top rope and waits for Wolverine to get up. He gets
up and Stan jumps off the top rope and goes for a flying clotheslines. But
Wolverine sees it and grabs the arm and puts him in an arm bar take down
and lock in The
Gary Logan: The Crippler! Its locked in, it could be all over!
Nick Hargreaves: Ha ha, you see, I told you, I am always right! Thats 50 bucks you owe me!
Gary Logan: We didnt make any bets.
Nick Hargreaves: O yes we did.
Gary Logan: And even if we did, which we didnt, Stan hasnt tapped out yet.
The ref asks him if he wants to give it up. Stan tries to get to the ropes. He gets closer and closer to the ropes. He is almost out but makes one last attempt to reach the ropes and, he does! The ref tells Wolverine to break the hold. He keeps it on. The ref starts the count.
He breaks the hold at 4 and stands up and kicks him a few times. He Picks
him up and whips him into the ropes and Deas comes sliding in from behind
and knocks Wolverine forward and Stan comes back, kicks him in the gut and
The Stunning Experience on Wolverine. He goes for the cover.
Nick Hargreaves: NO! It cant be.
Gary Logan: Yes! Stan and Deas win it. I guess you owe me 50 bucks Nick.